Jonathan Shedler, PhD

selected writings

For general readers

The tyranny of time: How long does effective therapy really take?
(Psychotherapy Networker)

That was then, this is now: An introduction to contemporary psychodynamic therapy [pdf]
A jargon-free introduction to contemporary psychodynamic thought

Getting to know me: What’s behind psychoanalysis [pdf]
(Scientific American: Mind)

For professionals

The personality syndromes [pdf]
An overview of the major personality styles and their role in clinical case formulation (Oxford Press)

Where is the evidence for “evidence-based” therapy? [pdf]
Updated and revised (The Psychiatric Clinics of North America)

Psychoanalysis and the re-enchantment of psychiatry
A wide-ranging interview on the role of psychodynamic therapy in contemporary psychiatry and psychology (Psychiatric Times)

Changing the topic does not change the facts [pdf]
So-called evidence-based therapy for PTSD fails most patients (The Lancet Psychiatry)

The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy [pdf]
Hailed as a contemporary classic and studied in training programs around the world—the paper that established psychodynamic therapy as an evidence-based treatment (American Psychologist)

That was then, this is now: psychoanalytic psychotherapy for the rest of us [pdf]
A jargon-free introduction to contemporary psychodynamic thought (brief version, published in Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

Science or Ideology? [pdf]
A hard look at why academic researchers misrepresent psychoanalytic therapy (American Psychologist)

Integrating clinical and empirical perspectives on personality: The Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP)  [pdf]
A review of the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP) for personality diagnosis and clinical case formulation

A new language for psychoanalytic diagnosis [pdf]
An introduction to the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP) for psychoanalytic therapists (Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association)

An empirically derived taxonomy for personality diagnosis: Bridging science and practice in conceptualizing personality [pdf]
A new and improved approach to personality diagnosis (American Journal of Psychiatry)

Refining the construct of narcissistic personality disorder [pdf]
A scientific study of three subtypes of narcissism: fragile narcissism, malignant narcissism, and high-functioning narcissism (American Journal of Psychiatry)

The illusion of mental health [pdf]
Scientific evidence that we do not fully know our hearts and minds and must look beyond the surface for understanding—a classic (American Psychologist)

Why the scientist-practitioner schism won’t go away [pdf]
A somewhat intemperate rant about a problem eroding the heart and soul of psychology (The General Psychologist)

On science and psychoanalysis [pdf]
Rethinking the broken relation between psychoanalysis and research (Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association)


It’s Time for Psychology to Lead, Not Follow

A Psychiatric Diagnosis is not a Disease

Selling Bad Therapy to Trauma Victims

This is Talk Therapy

The Therapy Relationship in Psychodynamic Therapy versus CBT

How to Choose a Therapist

Is your antidepressant a placebo or a miracle drug?

Don’t Tell me to call 911

Bamboozled by Bad Science

Where is the Evidence for Evidence-Based Therapies?
